Fall Session - Will & Miranda Unthank


If you've been following me and my work for awhile, you might recognize this couple. I photographed Will and Miranda's wedding back in 2016, and this fall I got to catch back up and photograph them again. Instead of traveling to Greenville though, this time I drove the opposite way to the tiny town of Cameron, South Carolina. Will and Miranda asked me if I would photograph them on some property that was special for them. This land has been in Will's family for generations and his grandparents still call it home.

When I turned into their driveway, the warm sunlight was flickering through the pecan trees and the farm house was welcoming me down the dirt drive. Cotton fields surrounded the red tin-roofed house, and tucked away in the back corner, hidden just beyond the trees, was a swamp. Living in South Carolina is special because our soil is so wild. Within less than half a mile you can go from cotton and corn fields to swamp land. I love it!

After we finished our session, Will's grandma invited me in for a taco salad dinner. Yes, southern hospitality is a real thing. The food was delicious, the dinner conversation was wonderful, and it was all followed up by homemade mini pecan pies with vanilla ice cream. oh. my. gosh. When I left Cameron, my heart was so full. Seriously, this session was one of my favorites to date!