Lifestyle - Jones Family

Earlier this month, I got the chance to photograph this gorgeous family. Recently, I've started photographing Lifestyle sessions, and I really have come to love them. Now, many of you might be wondering what a Lifestyle session is. It simply means that my clients invite me into their home to photograph their life, their real life - all the spills on the floor, all the toys out of the closet, eating chocolate cake, running around outside, playing with the dogs, and even some tractor rides. 

The Joneses just became a family of four when they welcomed little Jordan into the world. Jared and Jessica are some of the most genuine people you'd ever meet. Jackson is a fireball, who currently has the cutest obsession with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and little Jordan is so sweet and has the most beautiful blue eyes. 

We started our session off by taking some photos of them on Jared and Jessica's bed. While I was setting my camera up, I immediately noticed how unique their headboard was. I learned that the headboard actually used to be a door from Jared's childhood home. Jared restored the door and turned it into a headboard, which now is an important part of his kid's home.

After snapping photos of all of them, including the pups, Jackson and I headed outside. Jackson is a typical boy who loves to be outside. He loves running around with his turtle shell on, playing with his pups, especially in the dirt, and riding his grandpa's tractor. A few days before I came, Jessica tilled up their garden with her dad's Allis-Chalmers tractor. This tractor is extra special to their family because they're no longer being manufactured. 

When I left their session, I had some homegrown tomatoes and my heart was so full. Jared and Jessica have so much love for each other. Just by observing how they act toward and look at each other, it's apparent that they adore one another. They're so loving and kind; Jackson and Jordan have incredible role models.

Jared and Jessica, I hope y'all love your images. Thank you so much for inviting me into your home and allowing me to photograph all that y'all are. 



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